Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'm Getting Too Old For This

I love to horseback ride, but sometimes I think that my body is just getting too old to handle all of the jostling and bouncing!  This past Saturday I was the recipient of two rodeo rides after my horse "Tug" flew, or rather popped, really high over a low jump. I guess that he was feeling really good and decided to celebrate his accomplishment by kicking up his heels. I did not fall off, but did manage to maintain my seat in the saddle. 

The worst part was that after we retook them calmly he decided to "put on the brakes" at a third jump! This resulted in me landing very high up on his neck which slammed into my chin and chest. Ice took care of the chin, and tylenol helped take the ache out of my body. But now it is 3 days later and I still hurt when I move different ways or take a really deep breath. As the days go by I seem to be gettin sorer and sorer. :( I feel like I have bruised ribs for heavens sake!

I am supposed to ride again tomorrow, so I hope the warm compresses I used this evening help. Perhaps I am past the worst of it? I sure hope that he is not a little bugger tomorrow, because I really feel that I am getting too old for this! Maybe I will just ride a different horse.

He looks so sweet, doesn't he?!

Ta Ta for now...

Maybe I should get this book! It looks like I could benefit from it.