In this harried world in which we live, where time is so precious, every once in a while you need to indulge yourself! Pamper yourself by creating a spa environment at home. You are worth every moment!
Here are some tips to creating a luxurious spa adventure without ever leaving the comfort of your own home. No costs, no hassles.
- Shut your bedroom or bathroom door. Better yet, if you have young children, ask an older sibling, your husband or a friend to give you a half hour for yourself.
- Light some of your favorite scented candles while the bath is running.
- Add some spa fizzle or scented oils to your bath. Mint, eucalyptus, hibiscus and gardenia are especially soothing.
- Lay out some fluffy towels and a favorite robe by the tub.
- Play favorite, soothing music to help you relax.
- Prepare a favorite tea or juice to have on hand to sip during or after your spa experience.
- Have sliced apples, grapes, strawberries or dried fruits and nuts close at hand to munch on while or after you soak.
- Before you slip into oblivion, collect your favorite shampoo, soap and body lotions where you can easily reach them.
- Use a spa pillow to cushion your head if you want to truly relax.
If you don't have some of these things on hand, now you can make a list to give to family and friends for birthday or Christmas gifts ideas! Go on, relax, you're worth it!
Ta Ta for now...
Here's more information from Good Housekeeping on how to create your own retreat.