Saturday, March 19, 2011

Life and Death

Over the last 24 hours I have experienced both life and death.  On the eve of St. Patrick's Day, just before midnight my niece gave birth to a 9 & 1/2 pound little boy who they proudly named Mike JR. My niece's husband, Mike Senior was absolutely glowing while holding his newborn son. You could just see the love and pride in his eyes. It is the first grandchild for his side of the family. Now they have their own little "leprechaun" to hold and love!

Early in the morning on the day after St. Pat's, my friend since elementary school experienced the passing of her father. He would have been 97 in another week.  So in some ways, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Although I'm not exactly sure that that is the context in which it is used, it seems to be very fitting.

My love goes out to both. Love in happiness, love in grief. I hope that I live a long and fulfilling life that covers nearly a century, so that I can enjoy the mysteries that life holds.
Ta Ta for now....

Mike Sr with Mike JR, our little "leprechaun"!