Monday, September 27, 2010

Gotta Love Those Apps!!!

I found another great app for my ipod touch yesterday.  It's called "yowza!!" and it's free!  After it locks in your location, it will list every discount, special, promo or sale within a 50 mile radius. It will also tell you which store is closest to you.  For example, today it tells me that at Rubio's if your order $75.00 in catering you will get a free meal and that Tuesday's are "Fish Taco Tuesdays" where each taco is only $1.25 from 2:30 until closing, unlimited amounts. Whew! That's a lot of tacos.  

Each promo is geared to your location.  You can even track and share your savings, and save offers to your ipod that can be used at any time, even when you don't have a network connection.

These truly are "Savings in your Pocket" as their slogan states!

Ta Ta for now...