Monday, February 21, 2011

A Nice Treat for My Face!

Every once in a while I remember to do a  little something extra for my face. This morning I remembered that I had an open pack of Biore Deep Cleansing Pore Strips in the bathroom drawer, so I used a face strip across my chin and a nose strip.

For those of you not familiar with this product, you use a strip across an area of your face where you have black heads. After you cleanse your face, make sure an area is moist, place a strip there, and then let it harden as it dries. Once dry, you gently peel it off and it literally pulls dirt from your pores. If you look closely at the strip you can see  the dirt that had accumulated deep in your skin sticking to the strip.

I received a coupon to use for their products by signing up on their website and they emailed me a discount. They also have special offers on Facebook at Sometimes they even put a coupon inside the box you purchase! I like the combo pack because it gives you seven of both the face and nose strips. My last box also included a free sample of their "steam activated cleanser". I can't wait to try that in the shower. 

If you have never tried this product I highly recommend it. Sometimes I don't realize how often I rest my chin on my hand at work or as I am at the computer, and it is amazing how well this removes dirt from the pores.

Take care of your skin!

Ta Ta for now...